Author name: Jon Milliken

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Active vs. Passive Funds

The active vs. passive¹ funds debate has been with us for some time. Generally, proponents of active management are looking to “beat the market.” For several years during our recent raging bull market, the average passively managed fund has outperformed the average actively managed fund. Morningstar contends that “passive investing is now the mainstream approach,”

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magnifying glass looking at investments

Financial Quick Takes: Is Your Portfolio Underperforming … Compared to What?

Ah, we restless humans. Sometimes, it pays to strive for greener grass. But as an investor, second-guessing a stable strategy can leave you in the weeds. Trading in reaction to excitement or fear tricks you into buying high (chasing popular trends) and selling low (fleeing misfortunes), while potentially incurring unnecessary taxes and transaction costs along

Financial Quick Takes: Is Your Portfolio Underperforming … Compared to What? Read More »

man looking at question mark

401(k) Fears: What’s a Plan Sponsor to Do?

Sound investment decisions are rarely made under the weight of worry. The field of behavioral finance points to a number of cognitive distortions that feed on investor fear – including 401(k) fears – and can plague participants’ decision-making while compromising their retirement readiness. Here are some that can send shivers down participants’ spines — and

401(k) Fears: What’s a Plan Sponsor to Do? Read More »

Financial Freedom: When Financial Therapy Meets Wealth Management

As financial advisors, we help people attain financial independence. Usually, our personalized planning conversations are enough to help them establish a healthy, happy relationship with their money. But sometimes, we uncover bigger pain points we need to move past before we can move on.     There’s no shame in that. Almost all of us have

Financial Freedom: When Financial Therapy Meets Wealth Management Read More »